05 december, 2008

Naturliga fibrer 2009

FN har deklarerat 2009 som "International year of natural fibers"

Det verkar ju som om vi befinner oss helt rätt i tiden - stödköp nu inte alltför mycket fibrer till jul, tänk på att tomten snart kommer...

"Why an International Year of Natural Fibres?
Since the 1960s, the use of synthetic fibres has increased, and natural fibres have lost a lot of their market share. The main objective of the International Year of Natural Fibres is to raise the profile of these fibres, to emphasise their value to consumers while helping to sustain the incomes of the farmers. Promoting measures to improve the efficiency and sustainability of production is also an important aspect of the Year."

Vi får väl passa på att fira ordentligt den 3 februari då alla ullarbetares helgon är St Blaize´s dag firas.

Eller du kanske ska ut och resa i år?
March or April 2009: Natural fibres exhibition and natural fibres symposium, Beijing, China.
27 Sept to 2 Oct 2009: 10th Southern Hemisphere Feltmakers Convergence,
Masterton, New Zealand.
3-6 November 2009:International mohair summit, South Africa, organized by Mohair South Africa

PS - Mina ullkammar har anlänt..mer om dom senare

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